Covid from its outset was a conspiracy: From its beginning it was billed as a “pandemic,” but a little bit of common sense and mathematics goes a long way. One percent of the world population is 70 million people. As of Sept. 1, 2023, according to the latest World Health Organization (WHO) statistics, 6.9 million deaths have been reported worldwide. This means that Covid has claimed one tenth of one percent of the world population, and all of this in nearly three years. All of this assumes, of course, that the WHO is to be trusted.
In 2020 I was unemployed and had nothing to do but crunch Covidian numbers, read books, and pray my rosary. I discovered that in the state of California I was eighteen times more likely to die in a car wreck than to die of Covid. That same year a friend of mine drove to California, only to return and tell me stories of how the restrooms were locked shut at the rest stops and gas stations, forcing him to take a dump in the woods. Absolute insanity! The late Gilbert K. Chesterton, the most voluminous writer of the 20th century, said:
Many modern writers do really know how to write, but certainly do not know how to think.
This essay concentrates solely on the diabolic psychology of the “Corona pandemic.” The Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.), when it performs a psychological operation, maintains a targeted message which it continuously repeats to the general public through the state-run media, which it funds and controls. Several books will give the reader a basic understanding of various C.I.A. operations and how they function: The C.I.A. Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists by Dr. Colin Ross, Trance-Formation of America: The True Life Story of a C.I.A, Mind Control Slave by Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips, and Access Denied: For Reasons of National Security (O’Brien and Phillips), and Behold A Pale Horse by William (Bill) Cooper.1
Remember well that the “Corona” media frenzy really kicked off during Lent of 2020. At the time the word “Corona” brought to mind Holy Scripture, particularly the Passion from the Gospel of St. Mark, in Latin. The news media was talking about Corona, but the Church was talking about a different Corona:
Milites autem duxerunt eum in atrium praetorii, et convocant totam cohortem, et induunt purpura, et imponunt ei plectentes spineam coronam. “And the soldiers led Him into the courtyard of the praetorian, and they called together the whole band: and they clothed him with purple, and platting a crown of thorns, they put it on Him.” (Mk. 15: 16,17)
The devil has been called by some of the Church Fathers the “Ape of God.” He mocks God, but he does so in such a way so as to mock even the events in the life of the God-Man, Jesus Christ. Corona is “crown.” Christ wore his coronam, and so too will the devil, or his agent, the antichrist, wear his coronam. The devil seeks to crown the world, pressing into its head the sharp spikes, the spinae. The jab gives us “spike proteins.” The Latin spinae, is “thorns or spikes.” The reader might find this conclusion a bit of a stretch, but is it? When vaccine money is to be made, and people are to be duped, and businesses are to be put under, then we have a perfect storm for a big money-making conspiracy, the likes of which have not been seen in the history of the world. The devil has given us his Spineam Coronam, and he has done it in the name of “good health” and “safe science.” The words of the late Joe Sobran (d. 2010) could not be truer:
The real argument for freedom of the press is not that the press is a good thing, but that the press is a powerful thing, a dangerous thing. It becomes much more dangerous if the state controls it.2
In addition to Corona the latest variants are Eris and Fornax. Fornax is the Latin for “furnace.” We get the word “fornication” from fornax. We ought to start asking the question, “Who derives these names?” And consider Eris, of whom the ancient poet Homer says, “They met each other man to man; they rushed like wolves to combat. Cruel strife (Eris) looked on rejoicing; she alone of all the gods.”3 Remember that a C.I.A. operation is all about the message, and the message is clear: Corona-Eris-Fornax, which reads, “You will be crowned with war and fornication.” One could not dream up a more demonic lullaby than this!
In June of 2001 William Cooper on his radio show predicted 9-11, saying that a major event would happen and that Osama Bin Laden (a C.I.A. asset) would catch the blame. On Nov. 6th, 2001, the Apache County Sheriff’s Office raided Cooper’s residence. Cooper was fatally wounded by Deputy Joseph Goldsmith.
Anything Called a ‘Program’ is Unconstitutional: Confessions of a Reactionary Utopian. Joe Sobran. Edited by Tom McPherren. Griffin Communications. 2001.
The Iliad, XI 86-89. trans. by William Cullen Bryant. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin and Co. 1870. p. 279.
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